Brand USA
Automating insights from complex long-form documents
IV.AI works with the United States Government’s Brand USA to promote the USA abroad and help reduce the cost of customer service. The goal is to help visitors navigate some of the complexities of travel, make it easier to manage visas or customs regulations, and answer questions that might be relevant to a visitor hoping to discover the USA.
IV.AI used their adaptable predictive and conversational AI to automatically make all the website content available with free text while helping users plan and view all that the USA has to offer.
The proprietary language understanding platform, built by IV.AI's machine learning engineers and linguists, enables users to ask questions and be provided approved answers linking to more detailed content.
Leveraging IV.AI's AI search capability means users can now contextually search over 20,000 data points. See the video below for a full example of the Bot.
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IV.AI makes it easy for organizations to use highly accurate AI and manage the new scale of natural language processing data. Get in touch to see the platform and meet the experts.
Chief Data Officer