Cannes Lions

AI analysis of social and curated content to drive engagement

Cannes Lions has been the global benchmark for the advertising, marketing and creative industries for over 65 years. It is the most prestigious event in the industry and to win a Cannes Lion is a career-making badge of honor.

The Cannes Lions, Head of Product worked with IV.AI as an AI partner to see how the platform could help their complex business navigate the needs of the attendees (including CEO, CMOs and Founders of Fortune 500 companies) and the uniqueness of the conversation that occured every year at the festival. On top of the concept curration they wanted attendees to be able to curate their own needs, understand the concepts being discussed, build schedules, navigate the physical world, and finally to answer important questions they had around the event.

IV.AI's platform provided the custom AI-needed to solve the challenge

The frontend featured a bot that enabled the application layer:

  1. Search for talks by speaker, subject matter, location or category
  2. Find the location of any talk and be able to navigate both outside and inside of venues
  3. Create custom reminders and notifications
  4. Find recommendeds in Cannes and the surrounding area
  5. Ask any question relating to the event and receive an instant answer

The backend managed the heavy lifting:

  1. An AI to make sense of all data points for each individual and the concepts most relevant
  2. A platform to showcase the breadcrumbing for the AI's logic and user profiles
  3. A model that understood the context of the users input and was able to differentiate between intents as they related to desired outcomes
  4. An analytics engine to group engagements and train reinforcement learning algorithms to consistently improve KPIs

Cannes Lions received 4.3% out of 5% CSAT and an incredible level of stickiness with an average of 44.9 interactions per user.


With the new approach to understanding the conversation in the industry the Cannes Lions team took their new AI to new channels including news and social media. The following year they wanted to find a better way of setting the agenda for the creative industry and future events.

IV.AI's solution was used to understand the brands impact on all the narratives relevant to the audience and track the conversations across the years. The new model helped the team better understand the influence the have on those conversations, and to programmatically inform planning strategies to reduce human bias and increase scalability.

IV.AI's platform provided a superhuman way of understanding impact

Data cycles informed programmatic learning:

  1. Transcribed all talks from videos and extracted the language signals
  2. Matched language data with metadata via ensemble models
  3. Trained AI to learning concepts
  4. Determined key themes and topics

First party data coupled with billions of additional data points enabled a streamlined understanding of impact:

  1. Analyzed three years of social data
  2. Learned from the shift in concepts and themes including important, nuanced conversations such as diversity subsets increasing 1,677%
  3. Compared and conducted cluster analysis on historical and live data to generate influence scores and help inform social impact from custom curations

Cannes Lions was able to make sense of their broad influence and narrative footprint to help inform strategy, avoid red flags, adjust human bias, and help their business continue to lead the industry.

Get in touch

IV.AI makes it easy for organizations to use highly accurate AI and manage the new scale of natural language processing data. Get in touch to see the platform and meet the experts.

Francisco Brito
Chief Data Officer