Tomb Raider

Social analysis and content discovery in 22 countries

To promote the launch of the new Tomb Raider franchise, Warner Brothers chose IV.AI to deliver a social analysis of the current Tomb Raider footprint and a unique content experience that leveraged the social insights to engage users in 10 different languages across 22 countries.

IV.AI social analysis and agile conversational models enabled Warner Brothers to understand the footprint of the Tomb Raider brand and give each new user their own individual journey through the world of Tomb Raider. This unique experience gave users the chance to build their own narratives as they help Lara croft overcome challenges and mini-games to complete her quest.


Local ticketing partners were integrated for each country and notifications used to highlight each release date and drive tickets sales.


A typical user beat KPIs by over 200% spending 6 minutes in the experience and engaging with an average of 55 pieces of content.

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IV.AI makes it easy for organizations to use highly accurate AI and manage the new scale of natural language processing data. Get in touch to see the platform and meet the experts.

Francisco Brito
Chief Data Officer